Aidan Ellis & Tristram Powell/ Album Photgraphic Ltd.
s. p.
Zeitschrift, Einzelheft
Incl. a members’ portfolio of the Visual Dialogue Foundation, and a short introduction on William Notman’s Canadian work by Beaumont Newhall. - A description of this short-lived but important British magazine is given in History of Photography, An international quarterly, ca. 1997 (check!).
Ausstellungskatalog, Long Beach, CA, California State University, 03.-30.04.1978; El Cajon, CA, Grossmont College Art Gallery, 01.11.-01.12.1978; Carmel, CA, The Friends of Photography, 15.12.1978-15.01.1979; Santa Barbara, CA, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 25.02.-25.03.1979.
Long Beach, CA
The Art Galleries, California State University
1500 copies
38 p.
Incl. an First World War aerial photograph attributed to Steichen, probably a French battlefield view. Also included is the somewhat naive Bonfils photomontage of a river Jordan encampment in Palestine, also showing the single photographs which were used for its construction.