The Yosemite Natural History Association/ The Chicago Albumen Works, Inc.
1 p.
5-teiliges Faltblatt
10 ill.
Text engl. - Vorstellung eines Portfolios nach 10 Originalnegativen von Eadweard Muybridge, abgezogen auf modernem Albuminpapier, das von den Chicago Albumen Works hergestellt wurde.
Text engl. - Incl.: Marks, W. D.: The mechanism of instantaneous photography. - Allen, H.: Materials for a memoir on animal locomotion. - Dercum, F. X.: A study of some normal and abnormal movements photographed by Muybridge.
Incl. 1 computer optical disc: sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user’s guide. Tokyo, Japan : 4D Fourth Dimension; New York, NY: distributed outside Japan by D.A.P./ Distributed Art Publishers, 1996? - Ermöglicht Filmsequenzen von 45 Bewegungsstudien nach Muybridge’s Aufnahmesequenzen. - “Shibayama’s goal is less the deconstruction of movement in itself than the re-creation of a new synthetic experience. He combines elements from different cultural sources, including the creative use of contemporary morphing software. The result is surreal and bizarre. The user is invited to make choices from inventories of Muybridge’s still images” (Rückentitel).