PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Henisch, Bridget A.
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Visions of the Ottoman empire.
Ausstellungskatalog, Edinburgh, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 16.08.-06.11.1994.
Scottish National Portrait Gallery
96 p.
Enthält Biographien. - Mit Einzelbeiträgen, die nicht in PhotoLit aufgelistet sind, u.a. mit einem Aufsatz von H. K. und B. A. Henisch über James Robertson.
Ries, Linda A. (ed.)
History of photography in Pennsylvania. Guest editor: Linda A. Ries. In: Pennsylvania History, vol. 64, no. 2, spring 1997. (Linda A. Ries: Images of common wealth, 169-170; Sarah J. Weatherwax: Vignette #1: Two Marcus Root daguerreotypes, 171-173; Jay Ruby: Francis L. Cooper, avocational photographer, 174-192; Thomas M. Weprich: Pioneer photographers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 193-203; H. K. & B. A. Henisch: Vignette #2: John F. Nice of Williamsport, 204-105; Gary D. Saretzky: Elias Goldensky: Wizard of photography, 206-272; Cheryl Leibold: Vignette #3: Thomas Eakins, photographer, 273-274; Brian Black: Recasting the unalterable order of nature: Photography and the first oil boom, 275-299; Edward Leos: Mifflin and Engle: The painter and the practitioner, 300-309; John V. Jezierski: “Dangerous opportunity”: Glenalvin J. Goodridge and early photography in York, Pennsylvania, 310-332; Marcy Silver Flynn: Amateur experiences: Julius Sachse and photography, 333-348; Carol M. Front: The Raymond E. Holland Regional & Industrial History Collection, 349-253.
Pennsylvania History. A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies. Quarterly Journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association. William Pencak, Editor.
University Park, PA
b&w ill.
Text engl.
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