“Gritty, sometimes brutal and intensely personal views of contemporary sexuality in the form of a photographic diary that comprises part of a multimedia work-in-progress by New York artis Nan Goldin” (Cat. S-4, Strand Book Store, NYC 1996 p. 6). “An unerring portrait of a particular East Village bohemia and a sexual taxonomy for the’80s” (J. Hoberman, in Village Voice, o.w.a. according to Cat. Strand, s.o.).
“Gritty, sometimes brutal and intensely personal views of contemporary sexuality in the form of a photographic diary that comprises part of a multimedia work-in-progress by New York artis Nan Goldin” (Cat. S-4, Strand Book Store, NYC 1996 p. 6). “An unerring portrait of a particular East Village bohemia and a sexual taxonomy for the’80s” (J. Hoberman, in Village Voice, o.w.a. according to Cat. Strand, s.o.).
“Gritty, sometimes brutal and intensely personal views of contemporary sexuality in the form of a photographic diary that comprises part of a multimedia work-in-progress by New York artist Nan Goldin” (Cat. S-4, Strand Book Store, NYC 1996 p. 6). “An unerring portrait of a particular East Village bohemia and a sexual taxonomy for the ’80s” (J. Hoberman, in Village Voice, o.w.a. according to Cat. Strand, s.o.). - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 07.2002.
Text engl. - „Das neue Machwerk des ironischen Briten ("Mr. Everyman") führt mal wieder direkt in den Abgrund. 60 Selbstportraits jenseits des guten Geschmacks karikieren alles, was die zeitgenössische Selbstinszenierung von Gilles & George bis Arnold Schwarzenegger zu bieten hat. Prädikat: Unglaublich, aber wahr!“ [Text at Schaden.com]. - Der Band vereint Portraits von Parr, die er in Photostudioas überall auf der Welt anfertigen ließ. Parr ist also diesmal nicht der Photograph, sondern das photographierte Sujet. Es handelt sich bei dieser Serie um eine konzeptuelle Arbeit. Das kleine Buch mit seinem gepolsterten Plastikumschlag erinnert an Kinderbücher. (Vgl. Holzherr 2010, S. 130).
Goldin, Nan; Armstrong, David & Holzwarth, Hans Werner (ed.)