Book# 7767

Krainik, Clifford & Krainik, Michele; Walvoord, Carl

Union cases. A collector's guide to the art of America's first plastics. With Carl Walvoord.

Ort   Grantsburg, Wisc.
Verlag   Centennial Photo Service
Jahr   1988
Einband   cb. with dustjacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   773 ill.
Medium   Buch, Nachschlagewerk


The most comprehensice study, heavily illustrated, of photographic cases, primarily those of the 1850s.
Cat. Literature on photography no. 64. New York: Fred & Elizabeth Pajerski (04.2002): 125.00 $.
Photographie USA 19. Jahrh. Daguerreotypie Präsentation Ambrotypie 

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Ausstellungskatalog, Washington, DC., National Portrait Gallery, 22.09.1978-15.01.1979.
The American Photographic Historical Society.
Ausstellungskatalog, Oakland, Ca., Oakland Museum of Calfornia, 24.01.-26.07.1998; Washington, DC, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 30.10.-07.03.1999; Sacramento, Ca., Crocker Art Gallery, 13.08.-10.10.1999.
New York State Journal of Medicine.
Ausstellungskatalog, exhibition leaflet, s. l. (Malibu, Ca.?), The J. Paul Getty Museum, 28.02.-18.06.1995.
Ausstellungskatalog, New York, International Center of Photography, 17.06.-04.09.2005; Rochester, NY, George Eastman House, 01.10.-2005-08.01.2006; Andover, MA, 28.01.-02.04.2006.