Book# 42566

Mulas, Ugo

New York: The New Art Scene. [Text by Alan Solomon. Design by Michele Provinciali].

Ort   New York, NY
Jahr   1967
Auflage   first edition
Einband   black-stamped cloth with photographic endpapers, in photo-pictorial dust jacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   gravure plates
Medium   Buch


Text engl. - Other ed.: Italian edition: New York: Arte e persone. Fotografie di Ugo Mulas. Milano: Longanesi 1967. - Illustrated with gravure plates of Mulas' vivid photographs of artists in their studios. Small folio, black-stamped cloth with photographic endpapers; photo-pictorial dust jacket; housed in a custom clamshell case with a gilt-lettered label.
Auct. cat. Swann’s NYC sale 2426 lot 397: 1.200-1.800 $ (inscribed by Mulas, Solomon).
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Monographie USA, New York Solomon, Alan Provincali, Michele 

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