Book# 38434

[Razeto, Claudio]

War correspondents/ Kriegskorrespondenten/ Oorlagsverslaggevers/ Corresponsales de gerra [Auf OschU: Bilder vom Krieg. Vom amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg bis heute. - Introduction Claudio Razeto].

Ort   Bagno a Ripoli
Verlag   Scala
Jahr   2011
Einband   hb. in ill. dustjacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   b/w and color ill.
Medium   Buch, Katalog
ISBN / ISSN   978-88-87090-73-4 (dt.); 978-88-87090-74-1 (engl.); 978-88-8709075-8 (nederl.)


Text engl., dt., nederl., span. - Many images are from Scalo’s own archive. Its historical holdings are not first rate and a good part seem to come from contemporary printed (screened) sources - which do not improve the printing quality of this coffee-table book. The picture selection seems a bit arbitrary, the handling of historical fact leaves much to wonder. In the wild layout of images many repetitions of subject matter occur. Tanslation are often faulty. The book leaves much to be desired (HCA).
29.95 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh.  Anthologie Photographiegeschichte Kriegsphotographie 19. Jahrh. 

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