Book# 37993

Falconer, John

Afghanistan observed 1830-1920.

Ausstellungskatalog, Kabul, Queen’s Palace of Baghe Babur, 2010; Herat, Chahar Suq, 2010.
Ort   London
Jahr   2010
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   44 images incl. 22 photographs
Medium   Katalog


Text engl., dari, pushto. - Exhibition catalogue in conjunction with the exhibition Afghanistan observed 1830-1920 held in the Queen’s Palace of Baghe Babur, Kabul and the Chahar Suq cistern in the old city of Herat during 2010.
49.50 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Anthologie Photographiegeschichte 19. Jahrh. Afghanistan 

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