Book# 37396

Dewitz, Bodo von (1950-2017) (Hg.)

La Bohème. Die Inszenierung des Künstlers in Fotografien des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. The staging of artists as bohemians in 19th and 20th century photography.

Ausstellungskatalog, Köln, Museum Ludwig, 2010.
Ort   Göttingen
Verlag   Steidl
Jahr   2010
Auflage   Erstausgabe
Einband   hc. with mounted photographs, no dustjacket as issued
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Katalog
ISBN / ISSN   978-3-86930-139-6


Text dt., engl. - Haupteintrag. Enthält zahlreiche Einzelbeiträge, die - soweit sie photohistorische Inhalte haben - in PhotoLit aufgelistet sind. - Henry Murger described within his novel La Bohème for the first time in history the life and struggle of poor artists within bourgeois society. This was the beginning of the romantic myth of the independent, anarchistic spirit of creative artists. In that context photography played an important role, used by the artists for self-exposure and to document their working conditions and leisure. The bohemian legend persists in literature, on stage and film, as well as in the attitudes of numerous artists of our own time. This book assembles daguerreotypes and photographs of painters, sculptures, writers and actors, portraits and group pictures, pictures of studio interiors and parties from the late Biedermeier over the Belle Epoche up to the 1920th. Besides the pictures from famous photographers as Nadar, Alois Löcherer, Wilkie Wynfield, J. M. Cameron, August Sander and Lux Feininger, the book contains numerous unusual pictures of unknown “masters”. (Publisher’s text).
58.00 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Anthologie Photographiegeschichte 19. Jahrh. Adam, Hans Christian Pohlmann, Ulrich Chlumsky, Milan Schuller-Procopovici, Karin Krase, Andreas Kunst, Künstler Stevenson, Sara Schaaf, Larry J. Neu-Kock, Roswitha Scotti, Roland Jooss, Birgit Illner, Eberhard Stremmel, Kerstin Kothenschulte, Daniel Frohne, Ursula Bosse, Monika Hacking, Juliet Luz, Kathrin Pocry, Héloise Schroyen, Sabine Valdivieso, Mercedes Weimar, Friederike Quella-Villéger, Alain Zepter, Michael Cornelius 

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