Book# 30761

Klochko, Deborah

Picturing Eden. [Introduction Anthony Bannon, - Text Deborah Klochko, Merry Foresta, Louise Mozingo, Rebecca Solnit].

Ausstellungskatalog, Rochester, NY, George Eastman House, 28.01.-18.06.2006.
Ort   Göttingen/ Rochester, NY
Verlag   Steidl/ George Eastman House
Jahr   2006
Einband   cb. in ill. dustjacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   ca. 140 color ill.
Medium   Katalog
ISBN / ISSN   3-86521-207-7; 978-3-86521-207-8


Text engl. - Works by 37 artitsts. - Eden or Paradise, that place of great or perfect happiness and satisfaction, is an ideal that is still sought today. It resonates across time and cultures, charged with both political and environmental concerns. Picturing Eden offers a rare opportunity to view the work of contemporary photographers who examine the many facets of paradise, from a place of contemplation and restoration, to a site of loneliness and despair. (Publisher’s text).
45.00 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Anthologie 21. Jahrh. 

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