PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 26889
Thomson, G.
The museum environment.
Butterworth & Co., Ltd.
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 02.2004
20. Jahrh.
Konservierung und Restaurierung, conservation and restoration
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E. C. C. O. professional guidelines.
Eastman Kodak Company: Permanence, care and handling of CD's.
Eastman Kodak Company.
Grütter, P. [et al.].
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Springer Series in Surface Sciences; vol. 28, 1992.
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Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T); vol. 38, no. 6, 1994.
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Die Restaurierung vergilbter Zellulosenitrat- und Glasplattennegative. In: Maltechnik - Restauro, Nr. 1, 1984, S. 57-71.
Maltechnik - Restauro; Nr. 1, 1984.
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Archivnachrichten; Nr. 7, 1993.
Montuori, T. R.
[Mikrofilm]. In: Journal of Micrographics 6 (3) 1973.
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