PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 26844
Martin, Elizabeth
Collecting and preserving photography.
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 02.2004
20. Jahrh.
Konservierung und Restaurierung, conservation and restoration
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Das Audiovisuelle Archiv. Informationsblatt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Audiovisueller Archive Österreichs; Heft 23/24, Oktober 1988.
E. C. C. O. professional guidelines.
Grütter, P. [et al.].
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II° [Secundo] Congreso de historia de la fotografia; Buenos Aires 09.-11.07.1993.
Edwards, Elizabeth & Hart, Janice
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Lundgren, Adrienne
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Photographic Materials Group, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. - National Gallery of Art [Washington, DC].
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A technical study of Paul Strand's platinum prints. In: McCabe, Constance (ed.): Platinum and palladium photographs. Technical history, connoisseurship, and preservation. Section II: Photographic Art and Practice.
Photographic Materials Group, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. - National Gallery of Art [Washington, DC].