Book# 23906

Mikhailov, Boris

Salt lake. With an essay by Friedrich Meschede.

Ort   Göttingen/ [New York, NY]
Verlag   Steidl / Pace McGill Gallery
Jahr   2002
Auflage   limited edition 3000 copies
Einband   hb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   65 tritone plates
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   3-88243-815-0


BM shot this b&w photo sequence at his father’s birthplace in the south of the Ukraine, in 1986. There is a lake nearby, into which effluents from a nearby factory are discharged in an untreated state. Believing the water to have healing power, people in this area enjoy going for a swim as the most natural thing. All year round, families gather on the shore, and lookers-on might be reminded of a Russian Baden-Baden. Mikhailov has documented this scene and has, in designing the books himself, used special paper and unusual binding materials. (Book advertising text).
65.00 $. 68.00 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Monographie “Schwimmer” Meschede, Friedrich Soviet Union, Sowjetunion, CCCP, Ukraine 

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