PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 17073
Freund, Gisele
Photographie et société.
Points Histoire.
Editions du Seuil
Illustration, Ausstattung
20. Jahrh.
19. Jahrh.
Theorie und Kritik
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Wandlungen des Bildnisses in der Photographie.
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Photoresearcher; no. 19, [Apr.] 2013. Ed. Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Uwe Schögl. Guest editor Caroline Fuchs.
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Photography. In: Barnard, A. & Spencer, J. (eds.). The Routledge encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology.
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Tracing photography. In: Ruby, J. & Banks, M., (eds.): Made to be seen: Perspectives on the history of visual anthropology.