PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 14661
Tracing cultures.
Ausstellungskatalog, San Diego, Ca., Museum of Photographic Arts, September 1995 et al.
Points of entry
San Francisco, CA
The Friends of Photography
Illustration, Ausstattung
Buch, Katalog
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 12.1997.
20. Jahrh.
19. Jahrh.
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American image. Photographing one hundred and fifty years in the life of a nation.
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Second view. The rephotographic survey project
Peavy, Linda & Smith, Ursula
Pioneer women. The lives of women on the frontier.
A Saraband Book
Women of the West. A book of postcards. The Huntington Library. [Foreword Jennifer A. Watts].
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Ca.
Black, Mary C.
Old New York in early photographs. 1853-1901. 196 prints from the collection of The New York Historical Society.
Goldberg, Vicki & Ollman, Arthur
A nation of strangers. Essays by Vicki Goldberg and Arthur Ollman. Bibliography by Catherine S. Herlithy.
Ausstellungskatalog, San Diego, CA, Museum of Photographic Arts, September 1995 et al.
Points of entry.
Codrescu, Andrei & Pitts, Terence
Reframing America. Essays by Andrei Codrescu and Terence Pitts. Alexander Alland, Otto Hagel & Hansel Mieth, John Gutmann, Lisette Model, Marion Palfi, Robert Frank.
Ausstellungskatalog, San Diego, Ca., Museum of Photographic Arts, September 1995 et al.
Points of entry.
Janus, Elizabeth (Hg.)
Die Rache der Veronika. Aktuelle Perspektiven der zeitgenössischen Fotografie. Die Fotosammlung Lambert.
Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, 27.02.-01.06.1998
Virga, Vincent & Brinkley, Alan
Eyes of the nation: A visual history of the United States.
Birgus, Vladimir
Tschechische Avantgarde-Fotografie 1918-1948. Birgus, Bonhomme, Dufek, Mlcoch, Srp.
[Phillips, Sandra S.]
Crossing the frontier. Photographs of the developing West, 1849 to the present. [Foreword John A. Lane].
Ausstellungskatalog, San Francisco, CA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 26.09.1996-28.01.1997 et al.
Burns, Ric [et al.]
New York - die illustrierte Geschichte von 1609 bis heute.
Davis, Keith F.
An American century of photography. From dry-plate to digital. The Hallmark Photographic Collection.
Burns, Stanley B. & Burns, Elizabeth
Sleeping beauty II [two]: Grief, bereavement and the family in memorial photography. American & [and] European traditions.
Doty, Robert (ed.)
Photography in America. Edited by Robert Doty. Introduction by Minor White.
A Ridge Press Book
Davis, Keith F.
The origins of American photography 1839.1885. From daguerreotype to dry-plate. With contributions by Jane L. Aspinwall. Director’s foreword by Marc F. Wilson. Hall Family Foundation in association with The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
Ausstellungskatalog, Kansas City, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 09.06.-30.12.2007.
Reich, Hanns & Roth, Eugen
Das Kind und sein Vater. Text von Eugen Roth.
Ein terra magica Bildband.
Hoferichter, Ernst
München. Stadt der Lebensfreude. [Gestaltung und Bildredaktion Kurt Fassmann].
A people at war. Life in Britain today.
Trachtenberg, Alan
Reading American photographs. Images as history. Mathew Brady to Walker Evans.